What are Xhale Xpress’s shipping policies?
Xhale Xpress offers free standard shipping on all orders within the contiguous United States. Delivery time typically takes 5-7 business days. Expedited shipping options are available for an additional fee and can arrive in 2-3 business days. All packages are shipped via USPS or a major carrier and include tracking information.
What is Xhale Xpress’s return policy?
Xhale Xpress offers a 30-day return policy on all products in new, unused condition. Customers can return items for a full refund, less any applicable shipping charges. Refunds are processed within 10 business days of receiving the returned item. Certain exceptions may apply for clearance or personalized items.
How do I track my Xhale Xpress order?
Customers can track the status of their Xhale Xpress order by logging into their account on our website or by entering their order number and zip code on the tracking page. Tracking information, including the carrier and estimated delivery date, will be provided. Customers will also receive email updates on the status of their order.